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Hula Hooping Basics

CLICK HERE to register online or call SMAC at 512-393-8280


When:  Mondays: Feb. 3, 10, 24; Mar. 3, 10

no class Feb. 17

Where: San Marcos Activity Center

Time:    5:00-6:00pm

Fee:      $30.00

Course Description

Jump into the basics of hula hooping and discover your flow! This beginner-friendly class is designed to help you feel comfortable with the hoop while learning exciting moves like waist spins, hand passes, and gentle tosses, all safe and perfect for beginners. We’ll build coordination, explore smooth transitions, and link these moves into a continuous flow. Whether you’re brand new to hooping or looking to gain confidence, this class is all about having fun, expressing yourself, and finding your rhythm. Come ready to learn, laugh, and hoop it up!

We have the hoops for you...just come comfortably dressed!


About Your Instructor: Brooke Pillifant

Brooke Pillifant is a certified hula hoop instructor, freelance writer, and educational consultant with over a decade of experience in designing innovative curriculum. She believes that moving the body is essential for a healthy life and encourages adults to take playful breaks to explore their creativity in new ways. Specializing in adult education, Brooke has created courses across fields from real estate to culinary arts and has designed programs for trade schools and universities worldwide. Passionate about expanding access to knowledge, she also founded a nonprofit providing literacy courses for inmates. In her downtime, Brooke loves welding, gardening, and exploring trails on her mountain bike.   

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