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Classes at the San Marcos Library -- ALL FREE!

Call 512-393-8200 for information



Memoir Writing Workshop

Mondays, 10:00am-12:00pm

Writers of all levels (beginners, too!) are welcome to join author Spike Gillespie for this free weekly memoir writing workshop. “Drop ins” may join a session; however, class size is limited, so be sure to register.


Spiritual Practices for Mental Wellness

Sundays, March 9 and 23, 2:00-3:30pm

Facilitator Barbara Graves introduces practical techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, creative expression, and gentle embodiment practices like yoga, tai chi, and contemplative walking—all to support mental health and overall wellness.


Coping Skills & How to Use Them

Saturday, March 15, 12:00-1:00pm

Join Certified Health Education Specialist Stephanie Perkins in this workshop that presents the four broad categories of coping skills and discuss healthy and unhealthy coping skills. Breakout activities will allow participants to practice.

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